Gallia County, OH: Black Civil War Soldiers, Sailors, & Veterans

Gallia County, Ohio: In The News
Gallipolis Journal, August 8, 1868
Samuel Ray, late Co. I, 2d Regiment W. Va. Cav., and Henry Festerman, Co. C, 5th U.S. Colored Troops, will find it to their advantage to send their post office address to E. W. Clark, Jr. Washington, D.C.
Gallipolis Journal, September 3, 1874
THOMAS WILLIAMS, late of Co. D, 31st Regiment, United States Colored Troops, will learn something of advantage to him by calling on or addressing EBEN N. HARPER, Att’y, Gallipois, Ohio.
Gallipolis Daily Tribune, June 18, 1898
Fell Dead.
Mr Leonard Johnston, and old colored soldier living at Evergreen, ate a hearty dinner today and took sick right away after rising from the table and died before a doctor could be called He was a good old colored man near 80 years old.… Read more
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